Joe Budelis Comparison of Internet Access Options Such as Satellite, DSL, Cable, FIOS, T1, EoC, 3G, 4G |
About Joe Budelis: Joe Budelis performed IT or Business consulting with such diverse assignments as Senior Financial Analyst, SAS Data Analyst, Business
InfraStructure Manager and Data Base Administrator. Currently, Joe assists
businesses find cost-effective Telecommunications solutions; primarily
consulting on, and selling, such services as T1, DS3, Ethernet, and OC3
voice and data, MPLS, SIP, VoIP phone service and conferencing services.
For more information see his blog at About the presentation: Which of the many Internet Access options are best? If Telecom service is critical to an organization's mission, cost may not be the primary consideration. This presentation will review reliability, bandwidth consistency, and quality of DSL, Cable, FiOS, Satellite, T1, DS3, OC3, OCx, Fast Ethernet, GIG-E and varieties of Fixed Wireless connections. It will address such questions as:
1. Is cable really faster that DSL? Although some of the discussion, especially the first part, will be useful to an individual, the later parts of the presentation are mainly applicable only to organizations for which a Telecom connection is critical to their mission. As time allows, the Story of a successful Internet Business, Telecommunications Carrier Sales & Consulting, will be presented.