Pat Gelsinger, Lisa Su, Ben Bajarin & Carolina Milanesi

“What IS an AI PC?”

MEETING DATE: Thursday, March 28, 2024

6:45PM - 8:45PM (Zoom meeting room opens at 6:45 PM; Meeting starts at 7 PM)

via Zoom virtual meeting.


Artificial Intelligence (AI) is BIG news, impacting almost every area of our lives. Intel and Microsoft have jumped in and announced a new AI PC. But what IS an AI PC? This is a significant moment in personal computing. How will artificial intelligence be melded into personal computing. What has been revealed of the thoughts of the people driving this evolution of personal computers? We will review excerpts from presentations about AI PCs to try to get some idea of what is going on and where it is headed.

Pat Gelsinger, Lisa Su, and Ben Bajarin & Carolina Milanesi-Backgrounds

Patrick Paul Gelsinger is an American business executive and engineer, currently serving as CEO of Intel. Based mainly in Silicon Valley since the late 1970s, Gelsinger graduated from Stanford University with a master's degree in engineering and was the chief architect of Intel's i486 microprocessor in the 1980s. Before returning to Intel, he was CEO of VMware and president and chief operating officer (COO) at EMC.
Join Intel Corporation CEO Pat Gelsinger as he discusses the critical roles that silicon and software play in making the AI PC.

Dr. Lisa Su of AMD on AMD’s plans for CPUs, GPUs and NPUs to create the AI PC. Lisa Su is an American business executive and electrical engineer who is the president, chief executive officer and chair of AMD. She currently serves on the boards of Cisco Systems, Global Semiconductor Alliance, and the U.S. Semiconductor Industry Association, and is a fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Recognized with a number of awards and accolades, she was named Executive of the Year by EE Times in 2014 and one of the World's Greatest Leaders in 2017 by Fortune. She became the first woman to receive the IEEE Robert Noyce Medal in 2021.

Ben Bajarin and Carolina Milanesi discuss the previous presentations and review what is an AI PC.
Ben Bajarin is an American technology columnist and a technology consultant. His writing and analysis has been on the forefront of the digital revolution. He was one of the first analysts to cover the personal computer industry and is considered one of the leading experts in the field of technology adoption life cycles. He is president of a technology company called Creative Strategies, located in Campbell, California. He is a leading columnist for PC Magazine and Time Magazine. He also contributed to some episodes of the Computer Chronicles.
Carolina Milanesi is the Founder of The Heart of Tech, a technology market research and consultancy firm focused on tech in education and diversity in tech. Carolina is also a Principal Analyst at Creative Strategies, where she focuses on consumer tech across the board. Prior to Creative Strategies and The Heart of Tech, Carolina spent 14 years at Gartner, most recently as their Consumer Devices Research VP.