Mark Schulman

Mark Schulman

“Preserving Digital Photos”

MEETING DATE: Thursday, December 14, 2023

6:45PM - 8:45PM (Zoom meeting room opens at 6:45 PM; Meeting starts at 7 PM)

via Zoom virtual meeting.


Digital photos ought to last forever. Digital photos don't fade with time and can be protected against natural disasters such as fire and floods. That's the theory, anyway. And yet if you're one of the millions of people with a digital camera, the chances of your great-grandchildren ever seeing your digital photos are very slim. Find out why the odds are stacked against you, and what you can do to increase the chances that your family historian 200 years from now will be able to enjoy the photos you're taking now.

Background of Mark Schulman

Mark is a member of the Central Florida Computer Society, an author, speaker, web designer, software designer, and technology enthusiast. He has designed software and web applications for businesses from small medical practices to Fortune 500 companies. He speaks on a wide variety of technological issues. He is a published author of seven computer books, including Using UNIX, Understanding UNIX. and Using Lotus Notes (all published by Que, a division of MacMillan/McGraw-Hill). Mark has spent his career as an instructor and software designer. He has taught a wide range of programming courses for major corporatlons and worked on large software development projects. Mark currently manages the IT department for a small company that does clinical drug trials, as well as the computers for a small medical practice. His major geek interest these days is the computer technology that made the moon landings possible in the 1960s, and he's currently working on building a reproduction of the Apollo Guidance Computer.